You need renting a car with driver for some hours, for 1 day or for some days? We can help you!
We provide hiring a car with own driver hourly and daily.
If you are traveling to Bulgaria, and you want to visit different famous places for short time, the best you can do is to rent a car with a driver.
If you are coming in Bulgaria for business or corporate meeting, or maybe for a company party, take out the stress of driving! Let us do in instead of you!
Why rent a car with chauffeur?
Renting a car with a chauffeur is more easy for you, because if you dont know the country, you will not have to search for the route and you can enjoy by the way.
Who prefer to use this service?
- People, who dont know the places, where want travel to.
- Businessmen traveling on business.
- People, who have not driving license.
- People, who have not enough time and want to save their time for more destinations and famous places.
- People, who are with small kids and the kids need their attention.
What to do now?
Contact us by e-mail and tell us the date and time of renting, how long will the rent takes, place of pick-up and place of drop-off: [email protected]
Or fill-in the form on the page for Renting a car with driver!